The Art of Impossible

思考·阅读·方法论 · 2021-03-15


The Art of Impossible

People change.

I used to be crazy about English but   haven't written in it  for a long time , like three years .

We all know that there's  a  principle of Use and Disuse. Over the past 3 years, I only finished reading 2 books in English , so now trying to write something in English .

The book that highly recommended is call  The Art of Impossible. It may sounds like that kind of chicken soup reading material . 

 Well, to be honest, some part is chicken soup , other part is quit practical .

The book tells about how we can have peak performance in every field that we interested in.

The state when you are at your peak usually is called flow .

How we can  get  there?

To be short, try the four steps .

Motivation is what gets you into this game; learning is what helps you continue to play; creativity is how you steer; and flow is how you turbo-boost the results beyond all rational standards and reasonable expectations.

In simpler terms: impossible is a checklist. 

Because of the nature of intrinsic motivation, we  have to start a quest for peak performance where this book started: with curiosity, passion, and purpose. And if we ’re actually following the steps of the passion recipe and not trying to rush the process, we ’re going to discover that it can take a while.

Next up, layer in goals.

Start with our massively transformative purpose—that mission statement for our life. Then turn that statement into a chunked series of high, hard goals, or all the steps needed to accomplish those MTPs. Now, shrink those high, hard goals into clear goals—your daily attack plan, a set of small and precise targets that sit inside the challenge-skills sweet spot.

Then finish them one by one .


Theme Jasmin