又是周一,大家晚上好!鸽了一周,终于恢复写周报了。🤔一周复盘改变了直接在 logseq 写周报的习惯,采用了新的工具,稍后专门写一篇来梳理我的新系统。本周复盘的前几个内容是从 Neel Nanda 博客中学来的:What comes to mind when thinking about this week? -Change the Default :Yes to all thing that I've never done beforeWhat was a success this week? What am I proud of?-和Limmer还有新的朋友见面What was my biggest bottleneck this week? What can I learn from this and change moving forwards?-被炎热的天气持续打断个人的状态,降低工作效率,饮食和锻炼也都受到一定程度的影响。 类似天气这种外部因素是一直都存在的,没有一个完美的时刻让我拥有十足的状态去做固定的事情,所以要在这种情况下发挥主观能动性,