今年 7 月 3 号,在豆瓣标记了读完的第 1000 本书。虽然没有读第 1000 本书的时候,认识上没什么特别的改变,但人总是喜欢给自己创造些仪式感,容易在某些时间节点和事情节点受到触动,遂打算在完成「阅读完 1000 本书」这件事的节点,写下自己真实的感受和收获。1. 我成为了那个「阅读完 1000 本书」的人。很喜欢 Paul Graham 的 《How to do great work 》中的这段话:「The temptation to be someone else is greatest for the young. They often feel like nobodies. But you never need to worry about that problem, because it's self-solving if you work on sufficiently ambitious projects. If you succeed at an ambitious project, you're not a nobody; you're the p